1. Slow drain: The reason varies. It could be a simple clog that won’t drain properly, or it could be something much worse. Waiting or “ignoring” the problem puts you at risk for unnecessary pipe damage and costly repairs.
2. Gurgling pipes: Another draining issue, this typically occurs while a shower or washer is in use. However there are instances when toilets that are not in use gurgle.
3. Brown water: Brown water emerging from your faucet is never a good sign. There are many factors that come to play with this, such as: a change in water pressure, a broken water main or too much dislodged iron in the water line.
4. Low pressure: Low water pressure is typically caused by the screen or aerator in the faucet when solids or other deposits in the water line clog. This is typically an easy fix, but left as is can cost you in repairs.
5. Running water: Is your toilet running while it’s not in use? You need to seek immediate help for this issue because this can indicate a leak. Left untreated and you could suffer water damage throughout your store or office. Water damage on top of repairs will cost you an arm and a leg!
Don’t be caught with costly repairs! Call CCN right away and we’ll pair you with our PLUMBING team to get your store up and running again. We’re available 24/7 for your convenience.